From the solid ranks of men in gray stands a company
Of the men who hunt and blaze their way
Through the land and sea
It's the man of steel and courage stay
It's where the Hunters see
Through the challenge
Of each night and day
Whatever may be
It's the home of pride for those who dare fly
Those who search it is the Hawk Hunter's nest
Where we fight hell-deep and go heaven high
And triumph at our best
We're the members of Hawk Company
We are warriors bold and true
Only black and gold and victory
Nothing else will see us through
Of the men who hunt and blaze their way
Through the land and sea
It's the man of steel and courage stay
It's where the Hunters see
Through the challenge
Of each night and day
Whatever may be
It's the home of pride for those who dare fly
Those who search it is the Hawk Hunter's nest
Where we fight hell-deep and go heaven high
And triumph at our best
We're the members of Hawk Company
We are warriors bold and true
Only black and gold and victory
Nothing else will see us through
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